
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Highs and Lows

Hey everybody!  I figured I would post my haul from the past few days.  It's a pretty decent haul for me, and I'm mostly very pleased except one bottle I've mentioned already, but I will get to that when I get to it.  Anyhow.  Here we are....

As you can see here and from my previous posts The stamping plates and stamper my boyfriend got me came in.  He ordered the SHANY set of plates off of amazon.  They were very reasonably priced like $12 and let me tell you they work way better than I expected.  The only complaint I could possibly lodge is that some of the plates are slightly different than the photos showed on amazon.  Most noticeably the plate with the numbers on it.  I doubt I'd use it so it's really no big deal, but the font shown on amazon was kind of a cool techy looking font.  The font on the actual plate looks more like Times New Roman.  Which like I said I probably wont use it, and if I do i don't really mind anyway.   Overall I'm very pleased with them.  

 On to the polishes... Basically these next couple pictures just go down the line of nail polish.  I'll swatch/review these polishes as I get to them, maybe next month when I'm seriously going to cut back on my polish consumerism. 

Starting us off is another recent amazon purchase.  L.A. Girl Glitter Addict in Uninhibited.  It's a black glitter, folks, and I haven't put it on my nails but I'm excited about trying it out.  Next is L.A. Girl Glitter Addict in Synergy.  I'm liking the looks of this one too.  I realized this week I didn't have gold glitter really and ended up scoring 2 bottles.  This one I got at Rite Aid on clearance.  Next is Sally Hansen Diamond Strength in Multi-Faceted.  All I can say is gorgeous.  More black glitter mixed in with blue and silver.  If I hadn't gotten the stamping stuff in, I would be wearing this one right now.  Lastly we have Sinful Colors in Paris.  I like Synergy better but Paris is really not even in the same ball park.  The glitter is much more dense and all fairly small pieces from what I can tell, whereas Synergy is chick full of larger holo hex pieces. 

Sinful Colors in Flirting Nails, Cloud 9, and Beautiful Girl; and Essie in Sand Tropez.   Flirting Nails I bought mostly because I have very few browns/nudes and I like to have a well rounded collection.  I'm sure I'll use it eventually, but I like bright colors mostly, browns aren't really my thing.  Cloud 9 is really lovely. I don't have many oranges, which I guess is why I ended up getting it.  It is a really nice shade.  I plan on doing something with that fairly soon.  Beautiful Girl I already used as the base color in my pink leopard mani that I posted in my first blog post.  It's a nice cream color with good coverage.  Lastly, we have my first Essie!  I had been recommended Sand Tropez because the nudes I have tried left a lot to be desired.  I haven't tried it yet, but I will soon.

Here we Have China Glaze in Black Mesh (crackle), Dorothy Who?,  and Glam-more (crackle).  I haven't used black mesh, but I know what I'm getting into.  I love crackle, but I only had 2 and one of them was a white that truly looks like dried cream cheese on my nails (gross!).  Black mesh was just something I felt needed to be added to the collection.  Dorothy Who?  had been suggested to me a while back and I never bothered getting it because it looked pretty darn close to another blue I had in my polish arsenal.  After taking a closer look it's very different.  Can't wait to swatch it.  Lastly is the thorn in my side this week.  I tried a couple times to use Glam-more, because it was something unique and different in the way of crackles, but on my nails it just didn't work for me.  It barely crackled.  The glitter wasn't dense enough for my liking, either.  Below is a test I did on paper, which looks acceptable.    

This really only frustrated me more.  I'm going to take it back and exchange it I suppose.  I was pretty disappointed.  The color of it is great.  I'm not trying to discourage anybody from trying it.  I may have just gotten a bad bottle or something.  Anyhow... Thanks for checking this out. 

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