
Friday, June 8, 2012

My Attempt At a DIY Magnet For Magnetic Polish

Well I must say the original inspiration turned out more uniform than mine did, but I plan on playing around with it some more.  The tutorial I followed is here.  I decided to use what I had sitting near my regular workstation

The area I have designated for doing my nails also happens to be my sewing table, and sitting there next to my machine was a roll of magnetic strip with a sticky back.  I use it to stick pins in as I'm sewing.  So I cut a small square off and found that it worked pretty nicely even though the magnet is quite a bit thicker than the ones used in the tutorial.  I cut up some pieces and peeled off the back

I then arranged them on a piece of paper and taped them down for added security.  

It's not very pretty, but since it's just a test run I figured this is no time to be a perfectionist.  I tried it out with one of my favorite magnetic polishes, Cop An Attitude from Finger Paints.  
The end result isn't nearly as nice as the tutorial, but I see some more DIY magnet making in my future. 

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